Helpline: 08600 PEKAY
The Pekay Group is a family owned speciality chemical company. It was established in 1959 by the late W.Z. Poklewski–Koziell, a Polish immigrant to South Africa. The company has grown over the last half century to be the largest privately owned adhesive producer in Southern Africa. All the owners of the Pekay Group are South African. With manufacturing plants in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Botswana and Zimbabwe, it has branches and distribution depots in all the major regions countrywide.
Driven by market trends and industry demands over the years, expansion and diversity became essential. Within the group, specialist manufacturers like Pekay Adhesives & Coatings, Jayco Sealants and Admac Hotmelt & Equipment are now producing and supplying a vast range of superior quality adhesives, sealants, coatings and waterproofing chemical compounds for the building, flooring, construction, printing and numerous other industries. World famous brands names like Bostik Industrial Adhesives and Beardow Adams Hotmelt products have subsequently been introduced to the wide range of high quality products on offer.
The company has always pursued a non-biased employment policy, making a point of employing on merit and not race or gender. The first black factory manager was appointed in 1983, and in 1986 it signed one of the first Trade Union Recognition agreements with SACWU. Pekay has a very proud track record when it comes to stability in employment and very few can match the low staff turnover. With more than 200 employees, almost 50% of the staff has worked for the company for more than 10 years, and Long Service Awards are presented on a regular basis.